Saraswathi Vidyanikethan is run by Rashtra Dharma Parishad, a well known registered charitable trust in Kochi. It is a resourceful management having far reaching vision. We have an extensive campus stretching over five acres situated on the Perandoor Road just one Km from Kaloor junction.
The Thanjavur Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library is one among a few medieval libraries existing in the world. It is an unparalleled repository of culture and an inexhaustible treasure house of knowledge built up by successive dynasties of Nayaks and the Marathas of Thanjavur.
"Chaya is my one shop solution for gifts, quintessentially Indian but work well with people from different cultures.Most satisfying was my recent order of the tanjore worked frame of dance mudras was done beautifully, on time, packed very nicely & within the budgets we agreed on"
Petitioner Saraswathi Govindaraj, a retired college professor, had submitted that she had made a representation requesting the Central Government to abstain from participating in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) to be held in Colombo next month.
خواص التربة الفيزيائية وعلتقتها بإدارة مياه الري Soil physical properties in relation to irrigation water management مقدمة: عند وضع ترب جديدة تحت نظام الزراعة بالري يجب معرفة وفهم خواص التربة والعوامل المؤثرة على مدى احتفاظها ...
Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts, represents the free flow of wisdom and consciousness. She is the mother of the Vedas, and chants directed to her, called the 'Saraswati Vandana' often begin and end Vedic lessons. Saraswati is the daughter of Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga. It is believed ...
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