أهلا وسهلا 'ahlan wasahlan hello/welcome Literal Meaning 'ahlan wasahlan أهلا وسهلا comes from an old saying that shows Arab hospitality to strangers; 'ahlan أهلا means "family," as in "You've come to stay with family," and sahlan سهلا here means a flat land or plain where grass/food is …
This year's journey had ended , we shared so many beautiful memories with all our dancers, guests and friends. Ahlan Wa Sahlan Summer Festival Journey will continue next year with all great teachers all over the world under the lead of Madam Raqia Hassan.
EDINBURGH, Scotland: A pro-EU rally was attended by thousands in Edinburgh on Wednesday evening outside the Scottish Parliament (see video below). The demonstration, organised by the Young European Movement (YEM) Edinburgh, comes less than a week after the UK voted to leave the European Union, 52% to 48%. Continue reading →
Cuando en 2010 empezó la mal llamada «primavera árabe», todo un pueblo dividido (الوطن العربي) se unió, se puso en movimiento y se lanzó a las calles pidiendo mayor democracia, libertad y exigiendo la caída de los regímenes dictatoriales (الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام) que había en algunos países como Túnez, Egipto, Libia o Siria.
اهلا ً وسهلاً Ahlan wa sahlan! Welcome to the International Studies page of Nazareth Evangelical College (NEC)! As a local theological college dedicated to serving the Palestinian-Israeli community, we are seeking to develop relationships with the global Body of Christ.
مكتبة إلكترونية تضم أكثر من ألف كتاب من أمهات الكتب التراثية في الأدب و الشعر , و التاريخ , و اللغة العربية, و تتيح قراءة الكتاب كاملاً , مع محرك للبحث النصي . | Alwaraq is an E-book library , that contains more than one thousand books, that form the Arabic heritage pillars ...
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