Ma. Victoria C. Españo. The ‘BER months are here! As the festive holiday spirits come early, FINEX is entering into its busiest quarter. Your Board and the various committee chairpersons and members are all gearing up for the latter part of the year with such a high level of energy and passion.
As a Finex credit union member, you have a variety of account options – both mobile checking and savings. Whether you’re looking to be rewarded for your account balances, prefer no minimum balances, need a second chance with a checking account or are looking for savings and investment options, it’s all here with Finex.
About Finex Credit Union. Finex is a credit union. We are a cooperative, not-for-profit financial institution owned by our members. The purpose of a credit union is to use its income to provide affordable, quality products and services to members.
Finex panels can be formed into tiles or strips to fit any space; Finex Fiber Cement Panels can be installed in contact with ground and below grade ; Lifetime Warranty . 1/2" (12 mm) Thick Panels for Horizontal Applications : Weight : 145 lbs: Weight : 182 lbs .
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