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GEA Diessel - Hildesheim, Germany - chemeurope

GEA Diessel is owned by GEA Group AG, a global group of companies specialising in process engineering activities. GEA Diessel is a leader in liquid processing technology and a member of GEA Process Engineering Division, which is represented in more than 50 countries and retains a total of about 3,000 employees.

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نظم المعدات الثقيلة - ets-power.asia. كتب أنظمة الوقود لمحركات المعدات الثقيلة Books Diesel fuel injectors systems engines heavy equipment في هذا الجزء تجد مجموعة كتب حول أساسيات مختلف أنظمة الوقود.

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Diessel & Co KG: Company Profile - Bloomberg

Diessel & Company KG specializes in the liquid process engineering. The Company engineers, designs, and manufactures process equipmentand plants, as well as metering equipment and systems.

شركه المعدات الثقيله في مصر

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